Self-Care is a Life Skill

The term self-care describes the interventions and skills that an individual engages in to attain emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical wellbeing (Good Therapy, 2019). The Global Wellness Institute (n.d.) explains self-care as an active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyle that leads to optimal holistic health. The goal of self-care is to create resiliency and to be better able to cope with everyday stress (Good Therapy, 2019). Self-care are skills and thinking that can be learnt which will promote positive well-being.

During significant life events the knowledge of and practice of self-care can support and improve the effects of emotional turmoil and help with adjustment (Devenish-Meares, 2016). The act of self-care not only positively effects the individual who practices self-care, but it can strengthen an individual’s ability to help those around them, supporting the wider family group and community (Devenish-Meares, 2016). Self-care has been proven to prevent burn out in the workplace, which can lead to financial difficulties if an individual cannot support themselves or their family (Devenish-Meares, 2015). Weekly self-care goals were found to reduce stress in employees and act as a prevention for burnout (Greeson et al., 2015). Burnout is both a physical and mental exhaustion and it can in some severe cases result in the loss of an individual’s identity (Greeson et al., 2015). The intervention of self-care has improved physical, emotional, and mental resilience in high stress situations (Rybak et al., 2019).

A barrier to self-care could be due to a lack of motivation caused by depression or loneliness (Niloofar, & Peyravi, 2020). At Vaughan Counselling & Psychotherapy we have therapists such as Karen or Lolita, experienced in depression who can support you with your emotional journey. Defining and determining obstacles in therapy will work to support and encourage the will of individuals with depression to attempt self-care.

A further barrier to positive change with self-care can be due to a lack of awareness of the components involved in self-care. Identifying areas of our lives that are lacking in some way takes exploration and awareness that our counsellors at Vaughan Counselling & Psychotherapy can support and encourage. When choosing a therapist to meet your unique needs our intake staff will help you consider the right therapist for you and what you need from therapy.

Another barrier can be financial. We offer a “pay what you can afford scheme” with our qualifying therapists to help break down the barrier of financial disparity. The consultation team at Vaughan Counselling & Psychotherapy will help you in a free phone consultation find the right counsellor and modality for you.

If you are struggling with your mental health and self-care practices and need to speak to a qualified professional to get you back on track, we can help you devise a self care plan! Book a complimentary 15-minute consultation call to discuss your needs and find a compatible therapist. Browse our roster of qualified therapists or contact us at 905-264-6565 or


Devenish-Mears, Peter. “Call to Compassionate Self-Care: Introducing Self-Compassion into the Workplace Treatment Process” Journal of Spirituality in Mental health, vol 17, no. 1, 2jan. 2015, pp.75-87.

Global Wellness Institute. (n.d.). What is wellness. Retrieved from

Good Therapy. “Self-Care in Therapy.”, 15 May 2019, www.goodtherapy.Org/learn-about-therapy/issues/self-care.

Greeson, J., Toohey, M., & Pearce, M. (2015). An adapted, four-week mind-body skills group formedical students: reducing stress, increasing mindfulness, and enhancing self-care. Explore: TheJournal of Science and Healing. 11(3), 187-192

Niloofar & Pevravi. (2020) Comparing the effectiveness of Hope Therapy with Spiritual Therapyon Self-care, quality of life, depression and biological variables in patients diagnosed with Type11Diabetes. Islamic Azad University.

Rybak, Christopher, and Meghan Deukar. Enriching Group Counseling through integrating Verywell Mind (n.d.)