ADHD is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Symptoms of ADHD present themselves in different ways. The person can seem restless, fidgety, having a hard time focusing, sensitive, irritable, and/or acts impulsively - acts without thinking through the consequences that follow (Wilens, & Spencer, 2010). ADHD can last one’s life span - the high activity and impulsiveness decreases, but those with ADHD continue to struggle with the inability to focus (Wesemann, & Van Cleve, 2018).

ADHD can co-occur with other mental health disorders such as mood disorder, anxiety, learning disorders, and substance abuse – those with ADHD have a higher chance of getting and staying addicted (Wilens, & Spencer, 2010). Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy have therapists available in the York and Vaughan Region that can treat both symptoms of ADHD and the symptoms of the other comorbid disorders mentioned. To learn more about treatment for ADHD continue reading our blog,

ADHD can affect all aspects of an individual’s life – their success with education and employment, and their relationship including those with their family members (Harpin, 2005). Our therapists assist clients to manage their ADHD symptoms and succeed. They also help those in the client’s circle to have the resources to further support the client.

Support from family members and schools can help an individual’s success. It is important for family members and teachers to educate themselves about ADHD (Wilens, & Spencer, 2010), and how certain simplifications and structure are created in schedules and the environment, such as creating a routine that can benefit those with ADHD (Healthline Editorial Team, 2021).

At Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy Inc. there are many therapists; Samuele, Sumbul, Hyunbin and Svetlana, that do family sessions where they can educate members more about ADHD and how to support the member with ADHD but also hear how their experience is too.  Furthermore, given the client's consent, the therapist can add family members or school guidance counsellors to the client’s circle of care to collaborate to achieve the best care for the client.

For individual sessions, approaches therapists take with ADHD symptoms include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; certain ways of thinking promote ADHD such as thoughts that demand perfection. The therapist will then try to change that way of thinking and therefore change the corresponding behaviour. Therapists do behaviour therapy, where they implement consequences and rewards with how clients react in a certain situation. Therapists encourage teachers and parents to do the same, to promote good behaviour and decrease behaviour that doesn’t benefit the client (Healthline Editorial Team, 2021). Another modality used is Mindfulness, where exercises include meditation and help clients focus more and become less inattentive.

Moreover, there are a few things that individuals have control of at home that can make ADHD symptoms worse or better, such as exercise, diet, and sleep. To start, any preferred form of exercise can help get rid of energy and reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity. One’s diet can cause effects; therefore, clients should try and stay away from stimulants like caffeine and sugar, and instead consume carbs, protein, and omega - which improve focus. Finally, sleep is also critical, to get good sleep, it can help to set a specific time to go to bed and wake up, reduce electronics around bedtime, and sleep in a dark room (Segal, & Smith, 2021)

We have many fantastic therapists at Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy Inc throughout Ontario - Vaughan, Woodbridge, Newmarket, Toronto, York, Hamilton, and London. that can help with ADHD symptoms.

For more information on ADHD or if you would like to book an appointment with one of our therapists, please give us a call at 647-267-9853 or email us at info@vaughanpsychotherapist.com


Harpin V. A. (2005). The effect of ADHD on the life of an individual, their family, and community from preschool to adult life. Archives of disease in childhood90 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), i2–i7. https://doi.org/10.1136/adc.2004.059006

Healthline Editorial Team (2021, July 22). ADHD Treatment Options. Healthline. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/treatment-overview

Segal, R., & Smith, M. (October 2021) Treatment for Adult ADHD. HelpGuide. Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/add-adhd/treatment-for-adult-adhd-attention-deficit-disorder.htm

Wesemann, D., & Van Cleve, S. (2018). ADHD from childhood to young adulthood. The Nurse Practitioner, 43(3), 8-15. doi: 10.1097/01.NPR.0000530307.76316.cf

Wilens, T. E., & Spencer, T. J. (2010). Understanding attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from childhood to adulthood. Postgraduate medicine122(5), 97–109. https://doi.org/10.3810/pgm.2010.09.2206