Sometimes one does not have the motivation to change their habits to healthier behaviour.  Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy Inc. has multiple therapists in Vaughan and York region cities such as Concord, Maple, Woodbridge, Kleinberg, Markham, New Market, Richmond Hill that can assist. To learn more about motivational therapy (referred to as motivational interview) keep reading ahead.

Many have felt the rush of being motivated and ready to act. Many have also felt the absence of motivation (“Improve Low Motivation,” n.d.). No motivation to do an assignment, go to the gym or change a bad habit. Lack of action can create a feeling of despair (“Improve Low Motivation,” n.d.).

Motivation Interview is person-focused because if the client feels it is their idea to change, the more chance the change will last. The therapist typically starts by listening to the client with little interference. The therapist will paraphrase the client’s information to make sure they are on the same page. The therapists at Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy Inc put great effort into building a safe space for clients to express reasons they may or may not want to change a habit. Some clients may feel that there is no reason to change, have a hard time seeing the potential in changing when the bad habits are more satisfying at first look, or may feel that it is impossible to change a certain habit (Resnicow, & McMaster, 2012)..

During the time the therapist spent listening, they created a rapport with the client. Based on the rapport therapist can prove to clients they are capable of the change by using previous accomplishments. Also, by listening to the client, the therapist may notice how their habits and goals don’t align and bring that to the client’s attention, to give them an idea of why change may need to occur. Moreover, when listening to clients, the therapist will start to have an idea of the client's beliefs and values, this is important because if the reason for the change is connected to one’s values, it is the best motivation and creates lasting results. There are other motivations such as external rewards or punishments, or judgment of self, but the motivation derived from those are not as long-lasting (Resnicow, & McMaster, 2012).

 Once the therapist and client identify a reason for a change and acknowledge the client's ability to change, an action plan is next. Again, it is most beneficial when the client creates the plan, sometimes the therapist can give a general idea and have the client go more specific. But the therapist never suggests anything general or specific that the client hasn’t already mentioned or alluded to themselves, as it is person focused (Resnicow, & McMaster, 2012).  

In addition to the motivational interview, CBT and Mindfulness are beneficial. With CBT therapists can help clients change their beliefs about what changes they are capable of accomplishing. With CBT therapists can help clients change their perception of the accomplishments of small changes if it's regularly dismissed by the client. All of which hopefully encourages change in behaviour.  Mindfulness also helps because as stated in the beginning motivation is not always there, but mindfulness helps bring one present in the moments, therefore allowing clients to engage in the task at hand with or without motivation (“Improve Low Motivation,” n.d.). Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapist Inc. have many therapists trained in both CBT and Mindfulness, such as Hyunbin, Miceala and Charlie.

In terms of things clients can do on their own for motivation towards certain goals, is understand why you want this goal, once that is discovered start to become excited to achieve this goal, to help with the motivation (Bastos, 2018). Once moving to the action plan, it can help to create a list of what to do, tell someone about your action plan as a form of keeping you accountable to following through with the plan, and keep an eye on progress even if small (Dubas De Oliveira, 2020).

 We have many fantastic therapists at Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy Inc throughout Ontario - Vaughan, Woodbridge, Newmarket, Toronto, York, Hamilton, and London. that can help motivate you and guide you to create change towards healthier life choices. 
For more information on motivation or if you would like to book an appointment with one of our therapists, please give us a call at 647-267-9853 or email us at


Bastos, S. (December 12, 2018). How To Turn Your Journal Into The Ultimat Motivation Machine. Start It Up. Retrieved from

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles (n.d.). “Improve Low Motivation” Retrieved from

Dubas De Oliveira, E. (Jan 16, 2020). 10 Ways to Motivate and Empower Your Client to Practice. Constant Therapy Health. Retrieved from

Resnicow, K., & McMaster, F. (2012). Motivational Interviewing: moving from why to how with autonomy support. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity9, 19.