
Emotions drive our actions and thoughts (“Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT),” n.d.), as a result that affect our experiences and relationship. The reaction to emotions is learned from others, based on a previous memory, or based on the lack of identification and acceptance of emotions. Some behaviours based on emotions can be helpful or harmful (“Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT),” n.d.). EFT comes into play, EFT attempt to retrain negative reaction patterns (“What is Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT),” n.d.).


EFT (Emotion-Focused Therapy) credited to Les Greenberg and Sue Johnson (Feuerman, 2021). It is scientifically proven to be an effective treatment (“Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT),” n.d.), EFT often takes a short amount of session and can create permanent outcomes (“What Is EFT Therapy? 6 Things You Should Know,” 2021). EFT is about identifying emotions and acknowledging all emotions, including those that get ignored due to uneasy thoughts that may resonate with them. There is information in emotions and EFT teaches us to find the reasons behind the "bad" emotions. When we understand why we feel a certain way, we can identify the real issue, and change the view on the situation and change the reaction to be more helpful (“Emotion-Focused Therapy,” 2018).


The process of EFT involves three stages:


De-escalation – Identifying the reaction and emotion we continuously have with situations. 


Reconstruction - We express all the identified emotions and understand and accept the reasons for that emotions. Through expression, we understand the need that is yearning to be fulfilled. With this understanding, we are taught to react positively to the situation. 


Consolidation – Now, when we encounter unpleasant situations outside therapy rather than avoiding an emotion, we approach it with the new patterns taught to us. 

(Feuerman, 2021).


The therapist job to create a safe space to be vulnerable but the client needs to be an active participant in this journey (“Emotion-Focused Therapy,” 2018).


This modality can be used in individuals, couples and family counselling (“What Is EFT Therapy? 6 Things You Should Know,” 2021). It allows individuals to handle interpersonal issues as well as relationships issues or family and significant others. For instance, sometimes one negative reaction does not help the issue at hand. With a better understanding of emotions, one will approach the situation with less criticism and avoidance but rather empathy and room for vulnerability to talk about emotions and needs. This creates a strong attachment in relationships (“What Is EFT Therapy? 6 Things You Should Know,” 2021).


For more information on EFT or if you would like to book an appointment with one of our therapists that use EFT, please give us a call 647-267-9853 | 416-371-0694 or email us info@vaughanpsychotherapist.com.


Emotion-Focused Therapy. (2018, June 22). Good Therapy. https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/types/emotion-focused-therapy

Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT). (n.d.). Toronto Psychology Clinic. https://torontopsychology.com/approach/emotion-focused-therapy-eft/

Feuerman, M. (2021, May 6). What Is Emotionally Focused Therapy? Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/emotionally-focused-therapy-for-distressed-couples-2303813

What is Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT). (n.d.). YorkU https://eft.info.yorku.ca/what-is-emotion-focused-therapy-eft/

What is EFT Therapy? 6 Things You Should Know. (2021, March 17). Betterhelp. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/therapy/what-is-eft-therapy-6-things-you-should-know/?utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_c&utm_term=_b&utm_content=107920133410&network=g&placement&target&matchtype=b&utm_campaign=11558188695&ad_type=text&adposition&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn5KOhJbP8AIVCcDICh2olAKYEAAYASAAEgIvw_D_BwE