Posts tagged Mindfulness

The pandemic is a new concept that one did not predict and is unsure when it will end. As a result, we have lost a sense of control, which can be distressing.

Control is being able to know how a situation will play out. It is normal to want control. It gives us a sense of structure and can take away from the anxiety that unpredictability can cause. Control can feel quite liberating! But life is unpredictable, even without the pandemic, and putting too much emphasis on control can cause a lot of other struggles for an individual.

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Mindfulness is bringing awareness to oneself and the moment (Davis, & Hayes, 2011). There are different types of Mindfulness-Based Therapy; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction involves exercises such as yoga and meditation where clients focus on their body and breathing. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy is like Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) because it focuses on thoughts but instead of changing the thoughts, it is accepted, similar to acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), as ACT is also about acknowledging thoughts and emotions and finding peace with it (Pratikta, 2020). Mindfulness, CBT, and ACT are all modalities’ therapists at Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy Inc. are familiar with.

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