Posts tagged couplescounselling

Perinatal loss includes loss in stillbirth, miscarriage, and neonatal death, which are different depending on how far the pregnancy is. Perinatal loss can create many psychological effects on a person, just as any grief. However, the social support may not be the same due to how society may perceive the loss. Also, with perinatal loss, studies struggle to find the best way to say goodbye and saying goodbye is a massive part of processing grief.

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Communication is vital in relationships. Communication allows parties to express themselves and show vulnerability which builds trust and understanding of one another.

Many forms of communication can hurt a relationship such as responding passively, using sarcasm, insults disguised as jokes, putting blame, creating a sense of power dynamic, being loud, or being silent and avoiding conversation. Instead, one should take a minute, to calm down, collect their thoughts, go over the compromise they are willing to make and what limit they will not pass.

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