
Among the most widely spread mental health problems in the world, you will find anxiety and depression at the top. In Canada alone, anxiety affects every 1 out of 5 people. For depression and mood disorders, around 11% of Canadians met the criteria. Collectively, both of these are commonly found mental health conditions and you may often hear them appearing together.

Both of these might operate mutually but they are different in the way they affect a person. That’s what we’ll discuss in this article and see what are the differences between both anxiety and depression and how do they connect? So, keep reading to find more.

Difference between anxiety and depression

The one differentiating factor right off the bat is that depression is a single condition while anxiety is a group of conditions that may include PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder), GAD (General anxiety disorder), social anxiety, panic disorder and so on. The following points will help you understand each one better.


  • In anxiety, you are mainly worried about how a future event will unfold and are troubled about the consequences.

  • You have uncontrollable thoughts about something going wrong at the moment or in the near future.

  • You try to avoid activities out of the fear of failure and not getting what you want.

  • Fearing you may fail or embarrass yourself in your enjoyable activities

  • Anxiety may cause increased heart rate, sweaty palms, and dizziness.

  • You are concerned about your life ending rather than wishing for it to end.


  1. In depression, you have a hopeless outlook on the future and believe nothing good will come out of it.

  2. You are sad rather than worried.

  3. You lack a positive belief and are adamant that something good will never happen to you in life.

  4. You feel worthless and feel that there’s no point in partaking in any activities.

  5. Lack of interest in enjoyable activities you once enjoyed

  6. Depression causes an overall lack of energy and loss of appetite.

  7. You may have suicidal thoughts and have no interest in living your life any longer.

Are both anxiety and depression linked?

Although both of these are different in their nature, they can appear interchangeably. If you have depression, you may experience similar symptoms to anxiety such as nervousness, irritability and sleep problems. In most situations, you will find that half of the people with either anxiety or depression will have the other condition.

Treatments for anxiety and depression

Let’s see some of the effective ways of tackling anxiety or depression (or both) and how you can use them for your advantage:


People underestimate the power of therapy until they try it. If you feel like you have issues that are out of your control and cannot improve, then therapy can turn out to be a very useful choice. All our therapists are experienced in dealing with such problems such as and might help you in the following ways:

  1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy offers you a hands-on practical approach for solving your problems more rationally. Your therapist helps you change your thoughts so you perceive your life in a more positive and practical manner.

  2. Interpersonal Therapy helps you learn how to communicate better so you can express your feelings in a more effective way.

  3. Problem-solving therapy helps you learn different coping mechanisms that help you in the long run.


It is often beneficial to use both psychotherapy and medication for the best results. Medications can prove to be really helpful in balancing the chemical changes in your brain. Your Psychiatrist may suggest you anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and anxiety reducers depending on your conditions to help you get on track faster. Psychotherapy is very effective as it can help catch early signs that your depression or anxiety may be getting worse. Psychotherapy helps clients become aware of their thoughts, behaviors and help manage the factors that are contributing to their anxiety and depression.


Anxiety and depression often occur together, although both differ in operation, one can promote the other because the symptoms are similar. In either way, getting help from your therapist may prove to be a great life-changing decision in helping you achieve a less stressful and more mentally peaceful life. If you would like information on how Psychotherapy can help you with your depression and anxiety please contact our clinic. Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy 647-267-9853.