Trauma can be defined as a deeply shocking or disturbing experience that affects your mental well being in a negative way. Just like a physical injury that leaves bodily damage, trauma is a psychological blow that leaves mental difficulties in its trace. Whether it’s problematic childhood, death of a loved one, a distressing accident or experience, trauma can really push you in a downward pull.

According to surveys, around 70 percent of people in Canada alone have experienced trauma at least once in their lifetimes. And around 1 in 10 Canadians may develop PTSD at some point in their lives. These are shocking statistics, but the good news is that it can be treated with therapeutic interventions. So, let’s explore trauma and some treatments that can help.

Symptoms of trauma

Identification of a problem is the first step towards solving it. Having some form of trouble after a troublesome event is normal, so there’s a fine line between normal shock and trauma. Here are a few common symptoms that may indicate that you are going through trauma:

  • A prolonged state of shock, disbelief, and denial

  • Constant and unwanted memories of the past disturbing event

  • Anger, irritability and mood swings when you think about it

  • Avoiding talking or thinking about that event

  • Hesitating to visit the places where the distressing episode took place

  • Avoiding activities that resemble that troublesome event

  • Still not being able to cope with the event even after a long time

  • Angry bursts, irritability or troubling behaviour

  • Self-destructive behaviour such as addictions

  • Always being on edge and being afraid of danger

  • Physical problems such as muscle tension and insomnia

  • Triggers can come out of nowhere

  • Panic Attacks and Anxiety can be linked to Trauma

Treatment for Trauma

Fortunately, there are many effective ways that can help you decrease your trauma by a great margin. You may try them in combination with one another to get maximum benefits.

Accept and understand your feelings

When we hold our emotions inside, they tend to morph into Anxiety and Panic. Take a step back and understand how running away from your feelings won’t help your situation in the long run. Sooner or later, you’ll have to face reality and come to terms with your feelings. Most important of all be mindful that the event has happened and its a part of the past. Don’t be in denial about your trauma. Accept it so you can move on from the pain towards a better life.

Never Isolate yourself

Often in traumatic situations, people withdraw from others. Trauma feeds off your negative thoughts and what fuels negative thoughts better than isolation and inactivity? Try to engage in healthy activities, start exercising, hanging out with friends, take part in hobbies that keep you engaged. Share your feelings with people that you trust and develop a healthy lifestyle that keeps you engaged and diverted from negative thoughts.

Be mindful of your thoughts

Negative thoughts have a tendency to rapidly multiply. One distressing thought leads to another and you find yourself entangled in depressing moods. The best solution towards this is to observe yourself and see when you’re going on tangents. Try practicing mindfulness meditation as it helps you keep track of your thoughts and resolve them as soon as you experience them.

Seek out support from others

This point can not be stressed enough. Trauma can be treated a great deal and faster if you have others helping you. Participate in support groups that have people who have been in similar scenarios. Share what bothers you with your friends and family. And most importantly, if you don’t find any help, always seek a professional therapist that can help you overcome trauma with proven and effective techniques.


While trauma can be hard to deal with, there are many ways and practices that can help you ease off your pain by a great margin. If you feel that you cannot manage these emotions and have suicidal thoughts, then it’s highly recommended you seek out professional help from a therapist. Getting therapy can really change your life and prove to be the one step you take towards living a healthy and mentally comfortable life. For more information on how a therapist can help you please call Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy at 647-267-9853.